Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bozeman, Montana

That's right folks, Montana. This place is like its own strange world!!! So we were driving down a secondary highway when we come across a truck pulled over to the side. In the back he has two deers with collars chained to his they were his pets or something!!!! Crazy! And then further along on the journey this cowboy (I swear) is out taking his horse for a walk across the highway, wuth traffic going 100 km/h! Just out for a leisurely stroll!
Dylan was thrilled we were able to hit up both a Wal-Mart and a Target today. Unfortunately neither carry Everett's Hienz baby food...maybe its a Canadian thing? Target did however have tons of Paul Frank goodness. I was sooooo proud when Everett reached his hand out and grabbed a Paul Frank sweater off the rack, his size and everything. Everett may starve but at least he will be dressed nice :)
I'm already bored with driving so who knows how far our adventure will take us. Dylan hopes wherever we end up has a major sports team. I hope for it to be close.

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