people don't want to hear the gory details so I will just say Gastro
it's not pretty. Everett got up early to try to find me, when
he did he took one look at me and ran for Daddy's arms. I am not
kidding, that is how bad I looked. I was a disaster. Fortunately I have
a wonderful husband who loves to watch his son. While I laid in
bed all day, Dylan took Everett to work for a meeting, and
kept him out of the house all day. At night when Dylan had to work
my parents agreed to watch Everett. I felt bad asking, because I knew
they would agree, even though they had just gotten home yesterday.
At 8:45 my mom brought Everett home tried to sneak upstairs and put
him to sleep. I went to checkon them, curling into a ball on Everett's
rocker. From his changetable Everett who hadn't seen me all day turns
his head, smiles, and gives three big kisses. It just melted my heart.
Here I was feeling the worst I've felt in years and with one small
gesture that boy made me feel wonderful. Everett went straight to
bed. And my mom left. The last thing she said was "If he wakes up
tonight call me, I'll come get him." Not that I would ever do that but
that too melted my heart. I just hope one day yearsfrom now Everett
will be as greatful for Dylan and I, as I was for my parents on Tuesday
Fortunately it was only a 36hour sickness, but then Everett got sick.
It sucks to watch your baby get sick but whats even worse is to not be
there. I had to work, and Dylan was off. So Dylan stayed with him.
Dylan is a very capable father. He took 3 months paternity leave, he
knows how to take care of his son. But I felt I should of been the one
with Everett. Maybe its because Im his mother, maybe its because Im
a nurse, maybe its because Dylan didn't know what Pedialyte was.
Either way it broke my heart not to be with Everett when he was sick.
Now that he is better-ish, I can actually see that it was better that
Dylan did stay with him. Everett and Dylan had been having some
bonding issues the last couple weeks, so it's nice that Dylan got to be
the one to hold and cuddle the sick little guy.