So today Everett and I were up playing in his room while Daddy took a shower. The truth is Everett was in his crib running back and forth playing, and I was slightly neglecting him while checking my facebook. Things were a little to quiet, and I quickly discovered why. I looked up to find my little monkey had climbed up his crib, with both legs and over, balancing his body on the front and side rails. WHAT?!?!? He's 13 months old. How is this possible??? I knew immediately something had to be done. I can't say I was surprised by these turn of events, my little man has gotten more and more daring in the recent days.
After some thought I came up with two solutions. The first was to switch the crib into the toddler bed. The second option was to purchase a crib bubble/dome/tent or whatever you call it. After some thought and research I decided to try Everett in the toddler bed, I would give him 2 hours tonight in the toddler bed. If he was still trying to escape tomorrow I would look into buying a dome. As I was transforming the crib to toddler bed a lightbulb went off...Remember that episode of Gilmore Girls where Christopher calls Lauralei because GiGi keeps escaping from her crib, so Lauralei turned the crib around? Why didn't I do that????? Instead of reassembling the crib I decided to wait for daddy .
In the mean time I brought Everett into his bedroom and his eyes lit up when he saw his bed had been changed. He spent half an hour getting up and down from his bed, laughing and talking.
We decided although we both agree Everett is to young for a toddler bed, however we also agree we aren't willing to risk Everett climbing and falling out of his crib. We prepared for bed as normal and then the fun would begin. Dylan and I were both prepared for a terrible night. We knew we would be taking turns returning Everett to his big boy bed. Just like SuperNanny says, no talking just returning him to bed. We put him in his bed, tucked him in after story time, and said goodnight. And then....wait there is no and then...That was it. He went right to sleep. Apparently my baby is ready for his big boy bed...it's just Daddy and I who aren't.
Yea mama.