Monday, February 22, 2010

Daddy and Diapers

Now I know I'm lucky, my husband completely supports my decision to cloth diaper. He isn't lukewarm towards the idea, he doesn't hesitate between disposables and cloth, he does cloth. He is a Cloth Diaper daddy. If you ask him why he does it he will likely say "because of my wife" but that is not true he does it for our son. Everett has SUPER sensitive skin and cloth diapers work best for him.
Do not be fooled he knows his cloth diapers. He prefers velcro to snaps, but likes that Everett can't undo snaps. He likes to match Everett's cloth diapers to whatever sports team is playing. He could care less if it's organic cotton or cotton, he does not care if which insert is to suppose to go with which diaper he will decide on the best combination based on his needs and finally he will NOT ever do prefolds. He happily travels using cloth, he prefers cloth to biosoakers and gdiapers.
All that being said there are definitely some interesting daddy and diaper moments. Daddy used to wash the diapers when he was on paternity leave, but now that he is working full time and I am working part time it's mostly back in my hands. Last night though I asked Daddy to do the diapers well I was working. As soon as I got home I went to change out of my scrubs and took them to the laundry room where I discovered a washer full of suds. "Dylan how much detergent did you use" "A full cap, why?!?!?" Ugh we have a front loader...not good. It took six washes to finally be suds free. SIX WASHES!!! I had to wonder why not just use the tiny's fool proof? Why not just call and ask? Why? But I can't really complain I mean my husband does wash cloth diapers.
We have had a couple other funny moments...but honestly I will take all the funny moments because I am lucky my husband is a Cloth Diaper Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. So true. I have lost count of how many times this has happened to me. I even have the directions taped to the cupboard above the washer, to no avail. Ah well, he's changing the diapers, so that's a positive!
